You have discovered The CEO's Secret:

Creative Solutions & Strategies, Inc.

Checkmate by White Pawn

One of the few creative companies with invent-to-order capabilities, Creative Solutions demonstrates its broad spectrum of accomplishments:

*Design of posture-enhancing computer accessory
*Streamlining of redecoration techniques for a top restaurant chain
*Compilation and marketing of an antique watch guide
*Invention of sliderule commodities market decisionmaker
*Origination of baseball fielder's glove design idea
*Design of unique small area residential dwelling
*Origination and marketing of a recession-proof service company
*Innovation of letterhead, logo, and business card designs
*Rewriting of country music in collaboration with original songwriter
*Authorship and production of television advertising
*Innovation and marketing of unique rock and roll club
*Creation and utilization of novelty real estate promotion letters
*Invention of parlor and Scouting activity games
*Collaboration on invention of do-it-yourself wall covering material
*Innovation of menu ideas for restaurants
*Invention of a catch-and-release fishing gaff
*Co-creation of unique rock music sound type
*Creation of greeting card designs
*Origination of advertising strategies for newly formed companies
*Strategizing and implementation of advertising gimmick (that made TV news)
*Origination of family policy for multiple-unit service station corporation
*Innovation of pre-cutback strategy for jet engineers
*Invention of a theft deterrent device for boat trailers
*Design and prototype of theft deterrent device for boats
*Design of unique fishing clothing
*Strategizing management of attorneys
*Invention of automobile mechanic tools

"We have originated strategies for investment bankers, attorneys, restaurants, diamond brokers, gold mines, music retailers, gun manufacturers, software producers, nuclear diagnostic medicine manufacturers, gold extraction chemists, network marketing company designers, offshore investment marketers, ADD/LD/dyslexia correction kits, tennis court manufacturers, multi-spindle lathe companies, herb companies, antique jewelry marketers, petroleum companies, gas station holding companies, rock and roll groups, sporting goods companies, and real estate companies:

whatever you do, there's a great chance we can help you do it better."

-Charles A. Gaudio-President, Creative Solutions and Strategies, Inc.

Contact Creative Solutions
Our Philosophy

We are proud to support the Sportsmen's Foundation for Military Families

Therapeutic guided hunts for
disabled veterans-what a great idea!

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